Self-Portrait | Portrait Photography
I've been doing a lot of self-reflection lately and reading multiple books to help further this introspection. I can't recommend these two books highly enough:
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead by Brene Brown.
Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. This one has been especially helpful in turning my ideas into actionable steps in a similar fashion to how designers create, a.k.a. design thinking.
I've found that I too often focus on outer influences instead of identifying internal motivations. The past several weeks I've forced myself to write down specific reflections about my life, especially related to goals--professional and personal.

A few of the questions I've attempted to answer include:
"What are my career goals? Personal goals?"
"What am I really looking to get or give in a career?"
"What natural skills do I possess?"
"What tasks do I enjoy in my current position?"
"What activities do I enjoy in my free time? Which ones could I do all day, everyday?"
"Is there a version of my ideal job that is more attainable or a good first step toward that ideal position?"
"What steps can be implemented today to help me reach my goals?"
In the spirit of this self-reflection, I decided to get out from behind the camera lens and become the subject for a day--something I typically avoid at all cost. Special thanks to my husband for lending me his expertise.